Monday, December 8, 2008

Not Me! Monday.

After missing a week of doing Not Me! Monday, I'm ready to kick myself back in gear! If you haven't joined in the fun, head on over to MckMama's blog to check it out!

This week, I did not thank God a little for having my car break down, because it meant I was able to spend an entire day with my best friend (instead of going to work), who I haven't seen much lately. It did not feel great to rekindle that friendship and spend the day Christmas shopping.

During that Christmas shopping, I did not go to FOUR stores searching for the book Eclipse. I did not pay cover price when I found it at Barnes and Noble because I was sick of searching.

I have not been sleeping on my pull-out couch for over a week now instead of my perfectly good bed.

I did not buy an Edward poster and hang it in my bedroom like a starstruck teenage girl. He is not beautiful.

And lastly, I did not, would never, cover up other cds with Taylor Swift's new album at Wal-Mart. And I did not take the following picture in order to document my achievement. That would be childish!

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Not your Happily Ever After said...

Great Not Me's!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

He works in mysterious ways, doesn't He? So glad you got to spend time with your friend. :)
You will love Eclipse. It was my favorite of the series.
Saw Twilight this weekend....loved hearing all the girlies behind me who had apparently seen the movie over and over!

Khadra said...

I love the Taylor swift display LOL!!

Glad you are back :)

LucieP said...

I love Taylor Swift...her new CD is great!
And I love bffe catching up time! Its so easy to be busy and kinda loose track and then have a make up session and rebond and connect!

Is your car OK?

Candy said...

I posted a "car blessing" this week too - no car payment for awhile for my "baby."

I may have to get into the Twilight craze. I'm definitely out of the loop.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Not Me! Monday.

After missing a week of doing Not Me! Monday, I'm ready to kick myself back in gear! If you haven't joined in the fun, head on over to MckMama's blog to check it out!

This week, I did not thank God a little for having my car break down, because it meant I was able to spend an entire day with my best friend (instead of going to work), who I haven't seen much lately. It did not feel great to rekindle that friendship and spend the day Christmas shopping.

During that Christmas shopping, I did not go to FOUR stores searching for the book Eclipse. I did not pay cover price when I found it at Barnes and Noble because I was sick of searching.

I have not been sleeping on my pull-out couch for over a week now instead of my perfectly good bed.

I did not buy an Edward poster and hang it in my bedroom like a starstruck teenage girl. He is not beautiful.

And lastly, I did not, would never, cover up other cds with Taylor Swift's new album at Wal-Mart. And I did not take the following picture in order to document my achievement. That would be childish!

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Not your Happily Ever After said...

Great Not Me's!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

He works in mysterious ways, doesn't He? So glad you got to spend time with your friend. :)
You will love Eclipse. It was my favorite of the series.
Saw Twilight this weekend....loved hearing all the girlies behind me who had apparently seen the movie over and over!

Khadra said...

I love the Taylor swift display LOL!!

Glad you are back :)

LucieP said...

I love Taylor Swift...her new CD is great!
And I love bffe catching up time! Its so easy to be busy and kinda loose track and then have a make up session and rebond and connect!

Is your car OK?

Candy said...

I posted a "car blessing" this week too - no car payment for awhile for my "baby."

I may have to get into the Twilight craze. I'm definitely out of the loop.